Wednesday 15 October 2014


There are two types of skin aging
1.   Intrinsic Aging: Intrinsic aging is a natural and continuous ageing process. Which starts at mid 20’s
2.    Extrinsic Aging: Extrinsic Aging, is aging which occurs due to external factors and does premature ageing and the main factors for the external ageing are.
a.      The Sun.: Readily generates free radicals in the skin, resulting into aging of skin.
b.      Facial Expressions. 
c.       Gravity.
d.      Sleeping Positions & sleep scarcity.
e.      Smoking & excess alcohol consumption
f.        Diet habit.
There are many types of skin disease, commonly Psoriasis, Eczema, Epidermolysis Bullosa, Pemphigus are the most persistent skin problem.

How NONI Helps in Skin Ageing and Disease

Free radicals are unstable small molecules generated by an oxygen environment which require stabilization by the bodies antioxidant system. Free radicals occur throughout every cell in our body simply by virtue of the fact that oxygen is our principal metabolic fuel. Strong sunlight readily generates free radicals in the skin.

Now the antioxidant, vitamin and other natural chemicals found in noni juice provide nourishment to the cells, tissues and organs, fights free radicals and reverse the adverse effects of aging and pollution.

Noni helps is all these problems, when our body immunity is strong, it can fight and prevent any disease including these obstinate skin problems. Noni contains few beneficiary photochemicals which are not found in any other plants, it also contains all necessary minerals and vitamins which strengths our body immunity system.
  • Noni is a good source of Vitamin –C, which helps our skin with various skin problems.
  • Noni contains selenium which is important anti oxidant and keeps our skin healthy and elastic.
  • Noni contains scopoletin which is useful for anti-inflammatory effects
  • It also contains glyosides for free radical defense
  • The presence of xeronine in noni fruit helps in cell regeneration.
  • Noni contains limonene and anthraquinones in it, these limonene and anthraquinones has got antiseptic properties and Terpine which helps in detoxification of skin.
  • MSM for solvent action dissolving toxic deposits.

Monday 13 October 2014

Noni Works as a Detoxifier

Every cell in the body is like a house with doors and windows. When you have to drive a car into a garage you need to open the large door. The same goes on in human body of we have to absorb a larger protein molecule we need to open larger pore if we are to use it. Our cells are made up of micro-particles such as neutrons, protons, cytoplasm and Golgi bodies etc. which are genetically engineered to work well in a chemical-free environment. But because we live in chemically polluted environment, many types of toxins and pollutants are going into our body. They, wrapping the cells day by day, have formed multiple layers around the cell walls, thus leading to the closure of sbrinkage of the ‘pores’ of the cell walls. Consequently, the inter-cellular communication is prevented, the cells are damaged and they forget their purposes; they neither do their regular functions correctly nor efficiently.

Noni, being the powerful De-toxifier removes the toxic layers on cell walls and it enlarge pores of cell walls. This enlargement allows for larger chains of peptides to be admitted into the cell and to feed us better. If these chains are not used they become waste and this precious source of energy is lost by going to fat or being eliminated. But because of Noni’s detoxification process, the cells resume their communications; are reminded of their purposes and they are rejuvenated with greater strength and life. The cells are able to assimilate the nutrients and medicines easily. They are strengthened and healed at their roots. This is the basis of Noni’s cellular activity that causes the enhancement of efficacy of medicine.


Tuesday 7 October 2014

How Noni Helps to Cure Cerebral Palsy

Noni juice gives very good result in Cerebral Palsy. But as we know Noni is a natural product and not a medicine so it will take time to effect. The person who is suffering from Cerebral Palsy has to take noni regularly for strong and long lasting improvements. The research has shown that Noni contains 150+ nutrients, vitamins and mineral those improves immune system and make our body strong enough to fight against diseases.

How Noni Works?

Noni helps to regenerate those partly damages neurons by immune system. Noni is works very well in Cerebral Palsy which caused by a defect or injury to brain that occurs at birth.

Natural healing property of Noni is the only reason of its effectiveness. Noni contains certain alkaloid called Xeronine which play key role in encouraging proper cell function and growth in human body. Xeronine is formed in large intestine, where chemical reaction occurs between Proxeronine and Proxeronase. These two substances are generally regarded as the key effective ingredients in Noni, there are other dozens of neutraceuticals found in Noni Fruit.


Saturday 4 October 2014

Fight Against Acne with Noni Juice

Acne is a most common human skin disease characterized by areas of scaly red skin, papules, pimples, and possibly scarring. Impact of Acne is very bad, It affect psychological, reduce self-confidence and in extreme cases, person who is suffering may suicide.

Acne is usually caused by an increase in androgens such as testosterone, which occurs during puberty. Acne more often affects skin with a greater number of oil glands; these areas include the face, the upper part of the chest, and the back. Severe acne is inflammatory, but acne can also manifest in noninflammatory forms. The skin changes are caused by changes in pilosebaceous units, skin structures containing of a hair gland and its associated sebaceous gland, changes that require androgen stimulation.

How Noni Juice helps to recover from Acne

Noni Juice reduces inflammation and infection in Acne. Noni Juice works as anti-biotic that removes bacterial infection from skin. The study also shows that Noni is rich in vitamin A & E that rejuvenate cells and help to reduce acne.
