Tuesday 7 October 2014

How Noni Helps to Cure Cerebral Palsy

Noni juice gives very good result in Cerebral Palsy. But as we know Noni is a natural product and not a medicine so it will take time to effect. The person who is suffering from Cerebral Palsy has to take noni regularly for strong and long lasting improvements. The research has shown that Noni contains 150+ nutrients, vitamins and mineral those improves immune system and make our body strong enough to fight against diseases.

How Noni Works?

Noni helps to regenerate those partly damages neurons by immune system. Noni is works very well in Cerebral Palsy which caused by a defect or injury to brain that occurs at birth.

Natural healing property of Noni is the only reason of its effectiveness. Noni contains certain alkaloid called Xeronine which play key role in encouraging proper cell function and growth in human body. Xeronine is formed in large intestine, where chemical reaction occurs between Proxeronine and Proxeronase. These two substances are generally regarded as the key effective ingredients in Noni, there are other dozens of neutraceuticals found in Noni Fruit.

Source: https://davesnoni.wordpress.com/2014/10/07/how-noni-helps-to-cure-cerebral-palsy/

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