Friday 26 September 2014

Health Benefits of Morinda Citrifolia

Morinda Citrifolia is a magical fruit which is also known as Noni Fruit. It has such type of chemical properties like Mulberry’s. Noni is most famous for having alkaloids, which enhance the activity in body enzymes and support protein structure. In Additions, the noni Fruit has anti-tumor, anti-cancer and antibacterial compounds. Another of its compounds is supposedly beneficial to relieving depression, lowering blood pressure and helping relaxation.

What is Noni Juice? What is Noni Drink? What is Morinda Citrifolia (Juice)?
Noni juice is derived from the fruit of noni trees grown naturally in Brazil, Samoa, China & India and the company who manufacture has created a system to make sure that standards in the growing process are met and ongoing quality controls guarantee that their Noni Juice maintains the Organic Noni Juice Benefits.

There are many new benefits of Noni Juice recognized in China, Samoa, Tahiti and Japan. Noni Juice was known as natural medicine in health conditions like fever, eye skin problems, constipation & Stomach Pain, throat & gum problems.  It is also now found that Noni Juice can help in regenerating cells in our body, which make our body strong enough to fight medical conditions like diabetes, arthritis, high cholesterol and a number of other medical diseases. Another little known fact is that the Noni plant leaves can be ground or mashed and used as a pain killer on a cut or a broken bone.

Natural Noni Juice contains vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates which help to keep calories at low. The Noni Fruit is also full of Vitamin C and other antioxidants which have positive effects on the body and is sometimes help to fight other illnesses and harmful viruses. Noni juice is also reputed to help protect the liver and improve its function.

As Noni Juice is natural, it is benefited not only by taking liquid; you can also apply to your skin. By spreading a small amount of Noni juice onto a cloth it can be applied and rubbed into the skin to help anti-inflammatory problems. It helps to improve acne by reducing pain and irritation, and if applied to the joints it can also help to alleviate the pain caused by osteoarthritis.

Noni is traditional fruit and has been used for several hundred years as a traditional remedy. While Noni juice benefits have not been extensively studied by scientists, it has been proven to be an effective remedy in traditional cultures. As with any fruit, Noni juice benefits greatly outweigh the risks.


Wednesday 24 September 2014

Benefits of Natural Noni Fruit Juice

Noni a most discussed fruit in the world because of its natural healing power. Noni Juice made from Noni Fruit is known to cure major diseases like arthritis, cancer, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity and lot more. It is safe as it is natural. There are various researches done on Noni Fruit and still it is going on. The most important benefit of Noni Juice is that it regenerates cells and improve immunity. Noni Juice is derived from fruit of Morinda Citrifolia (Noni). Noni Juice is an amazing product that contributes to your overall well-being.

Noni juice is known as one of nature's super foods as it is rich in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, amino acids, antioxidants and enzymes. Noni Juice is good for you. Noni juice is recommended to remove parasites, to cleanse the digestive tract and improve digestion. Noni Juice is a vital part of traditional Polynesian medicine. Noni juice is contained many different properties that can help your body health. Noni juice is aged juice from ripened fruit.

Noni juice is rich in antioxidant that helps to rid the body of harmful free radicals. Fortunately, if Noni juice is taken on an empty stomach, the critical proenzyme escapes digestion in the stomach and enters the intestines. Noni juice is a natural fruit juice and it is impossible to overdose on noni. A daily dose of noni juice is also quite beneficial in improving your everyday life. Noni juice is natural and doesn't cause the other negative side effects that prescription drugs often do. The science behind the noni juice is still being actively researched. Noni juice is used to prevent premature aging, build bone strength, normalize hormones, balance mood swings and promote cardiovascular health.

Noni juice is a health drink, not a medicine. Noni Juice is a wellness drink that has already gained worldwide recognition. Noni Juice is truly one of nature's miraculous health aids. One ounce of noni juice is equivalent to three capsules per day. With so many people looking for ways to look younger and healthier, it's no wonder noni juice is so popular. Noni Juice is now being consumed by millions of people around the world. It appears that noni juice is as safe as other common fruit juices. A lot of people say that noni juice is very good for health. Noni juice is known to contain many different types of phytonutrients. Noni juice is a powerful antioxidant; it reduces modification of low-density lipoprotein that lessens the onset of arteriosclerosis. Noni juice is now available worldwide and can make a difference to your health.


Monday 22 September 2014

Adrenal Diseases - Get Treated Naturally By Dave’s Noni Juice

Get rod of adrenal diseasesThe Adrenals are glands which are to be found on top of each kidney. Its usually secrete hormones directly in bloodstream. If there is an imbalance in producing the hormones, it may cause adrenal diseases. Either it secretes too much or not enough hormones.
Each and every adrenal gland consists of medulla and cortex. The medulla or inner part is commonly known as adrenaline or noradrenaline released when there’s a life to death situation and increases heart rate, and blood pressure. In addition to that it produce more blood to the brain, heart and other muscles. That is more essential when dealing with the stress. The other adrenal cortex confines medulla and addresses to any sort of stress.
At the time of failure of damage of adrenal glands, it causes Addision’s diseases. It’s due to the deficiency of cortisol. Its main function is how to react body while dealing with the stress. The imbalance or overproduction of cortisol in adrenal glands may cause adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) or corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) hyposecretion by pituitary glands and your body may subject to the following issues.

Symptoms of adrenal diseases:

• Obesity
• Skin problems
• High blood pressure
• Muscle and bone weakness
• Moodiness, irritability, or depression
• High blood sugars
• Slow growth rates in children
• Headache
• Signs of puberty in children
• Dehydration
• Severe fatigue
• Irritability and anxiety
• Excess facial hair in women
• Reduced male fertility
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Kidney failure
• Abdominal pain

Dave’s Noni wellness juice helps you out to get rid of these issues. It contains dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) which controls the overproduction of cortisol produced by adrenal glands. It also strengthens the immune system. More over it has Pantothenic Acid and Melatonin which help you to recover from adrenal disease soon.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Drink Noni Juice Every day and Be Healthy

Noni Tree is basically originated from Southeast Asia about two thousand years ago. Since that time, the precious fruit of Noni has been utilized throughout the tropical island of the South Pacific and French Polynesia. Volcanic Islands are ideal to grow Noni Tree because of available tropical climate and the volcanic Soil.

Noni Juice derived from Noni Plant is used for hundreds of years as a natural healing medicine. Noni Juice is being used to clean the entire body system to fight against diseases. It also used to improve digestion, to reduce pain & stress.

Fruit of Noni contains natural minerals, enzymes, anti-oxidants and other vital vitamins. Not only that, there are 150+ nutraceuticals like anthraquinones, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and other necessary vitamins.  Noni Fruit is rich in Vitamin B, C and A.

Noni Juice manufactured by Dave’s Noni & Juice Pvt ltd is pure and verified by government health regulatory body. Dave’s Noni Juice is packed in pet bottle of 500ml and 1000ml.
Customers who are using Dave’s Noni have realized increase energy level, got relief from Stress and they feel fit & healthy.

Noni Juice is helpful to the following conditions:

Abdominal Pain
Digestion Problems
Urinary Tract Infections
Women Health problems
Swelling and inflammation

Noni Juice is effective in fighting against illness, but it is not a medicine. Research on Noni Fruit is still going so it is advised to consult your family doctor before taking any alternative treatment.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Noni Juice is a Natural Remedies for Severe Migraine Attack

Migraine is a severe attack of headache. There are two types of Migraine 1) Common & 2) Classic. Most of the people have common type of migraine. Common migraine attack can be identified by some symptoms like headache, vomiting. But the worst case is Classic Migraine. The exact cause of classic migraine is not identified yet. The reason that is found of migraine is that the blood vessels of brain become narrow and suddenly makes you feel uncomfortable. Although not all headaches are the same, they all have at least one thing in common that cause pain but many headaches also cause other undesirable symptoms. In many cases it starts from one side of the head and then passes around all over the head. It mostly appears in the morning, but it can be appear at any time of the day or night.

These are few Symptoms of Migraine Attack:

·         Feeling sick (nausea)
·         Vomiting
·         Weird bright lights or loud noises
·         Like to lie in a dark room
·         Being off food
·         Blurred vision
·         Poor concentration
·         Diarrhea
·         Abdominal pain
·         Passing lots of urine
·         Scalp tenderness
·         Sensations of heat or cold

If you are suffering from severe migraine than you can take prescribed medicine. Nutritional Supplement and Natural Drink like Noni Juice play a vital role in Migraine and stress management. Natural Noni Fruit Juice helps to control chemical imbalance by it anti-oxidant properties. It has essential nutraceutical, Xeronine that detoxifies your body and rejuvenate the cells. Noni Juice contains 150+ vitamins and minerals that are essential for human body. 

Friday 12 September 2014

The Uses of Noni Juice

Noni is characterized as a fruit of small tree that grow in wilds forests and sandy or rocky shores. Noni juice, noni juice have beneficial healing agents to treat certain types of skin problems, eye related problems and gums diseases. In addition, the noni juice is considered by many to relieve stomach pain and lung problems.

Noni Tree is big & dark green leaves and is a plant that blooms throughout the year. The flowers are white colored, while fruit is cross and has a strong odor. In addition, a noni plant has many seeds, which are often dispersed by bats that smell is known to attract.

In some parts of the world, the noni juice is utilized to treat gout, a painful disease that affects the body's joints and muscles. It is important to note that neither itself noni or noni juice has been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) for safety, or possible benefits. In 2005, the European Food Safety Authority did an assessment of noni products and their possible association with hepatitis caused by ingesting noni.

Noni Juice is widely utilized all around the world. With any medicine or anecdote, it is important that their potential is fully realized, before being prescribed to patients suffering from certain diseases or before being marketed as a treatment. People often are not familiar with the side effects associated with drugs, which explains why they often develop serious reactions after utilizing it.

Although there is little knowledge about the full effects of noni and / or noni juice, the healing effects or side, studies around the world continue to study the effects of this mysterious fruit.

This article is intended to be utilized for informational purposes only. It should not be taken as professional medical advice or a recommendation of a physician. Before beginning any treatment program, including the noni juice, It should advised that people should consult a physician for diagnosis or treatment.


Thursday 11 September 2014

The Wonderful Fruit Noni

Noni is a wonderful fruit from tropical areas such as the Pacific islands that has been used for years as a natural medicine or super food. The Polynesia natives use this plant called Morinda Citriifolia for a variety of uses from digestion, join support, low energy, and minor muscle aches following strenuous activities. In China they found the benefits of Morinda Citriifolia for thin and endocrine system support and maintaining emotional balance. Researchers found that Noni has extremely powerful cancer preventive compound named 2-methoxy- 1, 3, 6-trihydroxyanthraquinone. This anthraquinone provides a rare example of this chemical structural type in fruit tissue. The new anthraquinone was found to induce Quinone reductase at very low concentrations. This means that the newly discovered anthraquinone can stimulate Phase II enzyme systems that detoxify and eliminate cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens) before they can damage human DNA. At the same time, this induced enzyme can also help protect and regenerate antioxidants such as vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 in the body. So, not only can this anthraquinone detoxify chemicals, but it also helps preserve existing protective antioxidants in the body. shared a report on how Noni helps with joint pain. Dr. Ralph Heinicke first began to study the compounds in noni in the 1970`s at the University of Hawaii. There, he discovered a key phytonutrient found in noni called xeronine, which he patented in 1981. He found that this ingredient, as well as proxeronine - which makes up the building blocks of xeronine - played a key role in noni`s ability to assist in the management of pain.

Many testimonies have come from the use of Noni juice and how people have received benefits to relief pain in headaches, back aches, and joint aches from arthritis. It even helps with constipation. People have reported it enhances their mood; boost their energy and helps with digestion. You will hear people say they keep Noni juice stocked in their homes and take regularly. 

This wonderful super food that is a health drinks for body and highly recommended. To buy this wonderful Noni Juice visit Dave’s Noni Online.


Wednesday 10 September 2014

Understand the Benefits of Noni Juice

The popularity of Noni juice rose during 90s. Up till now, it is still being used and taken by thousands of people from all over the world. It is comes from the fruit Noni which is scientifically known as Morinda Citrifola. The Noni blooms the whole year round generating an energetic health juice. The juice is the mainly and extensively used by-product of the tree. The leaves and the roots are also found to be useful in some cultures. The Noni fruit is an outstanding source of healthful nutrients counting Vitamin A and C, potassium, calcium, niacin and sodium. Different researches have also confirmed the existence of ten vital vitamins, seven nutritional mineral deposits, and eighteen amino acids in Noni. Noni fruit also has a mixture of, organic acids, xeronine and anthroquinones.

There is no doubt that people really experience the benefit of Noni juice. In actual fact, it has been taken by people with several health circumstances. Noni juice has been used by those who have diseases that make their immune system weak, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, in order to make better the function of their immune system. It has also been acclaimed that it stabilizes the blood sugar levels of hypoglycemic and diabetics. Moreover, Noni juice has been used by persons suffering from arthritis, joint pain, and even inflammation.

A number of people believe that this juice develops and perks up the digestive function, cleanses the digestive tract and gets rid of parasites. In the same way, others make use of it for conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, constipation, and ulcers. Additionally, a particular study of smokers experimented and observed that full amount of cholesterol and triglycerides have decreased after a month of using this juice.

Noni juice benefits also embrace the enhancement in the making of T-cells, special cells that wrestle disease. The increase in T-cell productions arms the body against harmful microorganisms which causes dreadful illnesses. Aside from boosting the immune system of the body, it is also rich in antioxidants which are accountable in eradicating the free radicals in the body that causes aging. It is also used as a pain reliever because of its anti- inflammatory end product.

Noni fruit can also be used as an energy drink because it is rich in fructose, an easily-absorbed type of sugar. Fructose, in cooperation with antioxidants, fights nervous tension and gets rid of exhaustion. It also helps in the appropriate food absorption and digestion. When nutrients are appropriately captivated in the body, it is a forerunner to the discharge of Serotonin. Serotonin is well thought-out as the happy hormone which functions as a frame of mind elevator.

Still, substantial research is still in the process to bear out the numerous benefits of Noni juice. However, not all people can make use of the Noni juice anytime they want to. Since this juice is rich in potassium, people with kidney associated problems should not make use of Noni since it can result in prominent potassium level in the blood. Nursing women or even pregnant women are also prohibited from drinking Noni juice.


Tuesday 9 September 2014

Noni Helps In Insomnia

To understand how noni helps in insomnia, first you have to identify the cause of insomnia. Below are few reasons due to which we suffer from insomnia.
Causes of Insomnia:
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Hormonal Imbalance.
  • Sleeplessness due to pain.
  • Irregular food habit, eating late in night.

And Noni helps us to overcome this problem in a below manner:

Stress, Anxiety, Depression: Serotonin is an important initiator of sleep, now our body makes serotonin from the amino acid, tryptophan and noni is rich with tryptophan and hence Noni helps to maintain the serotonin level in our body in a balance condition and promotes sleep.
Hormonal Imbalance: Noni may helps to keep your endocrine system in a balance condition and helps to reduce insomnia with hormonal imbalance related causes. Melatonin is a hormone secreted naturally by the pineal gland. Melatonin is the sleep hormone. Melatonin is secreted mainly at night. Noni helps to secret more melatonin from the pineal gland of our body.
Sleeplessness due to pain: Noni helps to reduce pain in many chronic diseases by its selective COX-2 enzyme inhibits property. Hence Noni may also help in sleeplessness associated with pain.
Poor food habit, eating late in night: Poor eating habits and lack of proper nutrition are also the causes of sleeplessness. 150+ Nutracueticals, Phytochemicals, Vitamins, and Minerals found in Noni Juice, now when Noni provides us essential vitamins, essential minerals, amino acids, it which our bodies food deficiency and that way helps our body to overcome sleeplessness due to poor or irregular food habit.

Health Benefits of Noni Juice

Noni fruit is a fruit that found in the Hawaiian and Polynesian islands. This is a sacred fruit of Hawaii as it is known to provide many benefits for our health. The doctors of this island have utilized noni fruit for the treatment of joint pain, disorders in the digestion system etc. The fruit almost looks like a potato. This fruit is being used since the ancient times and is popular in these countries for its healing properties. After the noni fruit has ripened it is picked and noni juice is made out of it. This juice is very tasty if it is made from the ripe noni fruits.

There are a lot of benefits of noni juice that will cure your disease and give you a happy life. These benefits are not examined by the FDA but were studied independently by the doctors. Some noni benefits are as follows:

Immune system- a healthy immune system is vital for your good health. Our immunity system fights the harmful bacteria, viruses and other germs that enter human body. Noni Juice boosts the immunity system of our body and help to fight against these germs.

Digestion system- noni breaks the enzymes in such a way that they are absorbed by the body completely. The food we eat provides the energy and nutrition to our body. And only after the food is digested properly and completely, the nutrients are supplied to the body. Noni juice benefits by improving the digestion system of our body.

Mental health- when you drink noni, it will increase the serotonin levels of the brain. The increase in serotonin levels will boost the mood and mental health and sharpness of a person.

Cardiovascular and circulatory systems- noni has an ingredient scopolamine that helps in lowering 
the blood pressure. Drinking noni helps in the production of the nitric oxide in the human body. This helps in the relaxation and expansion of the blood vessels, arteries and heart.

Noni fruit is very rich in antioxidants and other kinds of nutrients. It is a low fat juice and even if you have not experienced any of the above written benefits, it is still known to be healthy. The ancient people claim this to be magic medicine.

It is suggested that in the beginning, you must start drinking 1oz of noni juice and then slowly get into the higher dose levels. But do this very slowly, as noni fruit is known to be not too tasty. You can also mix this juice with other juice and then drink it, if you do not like the taste of pure noni juice. Better still, you could also be a little creative and drink a noni drink. Doesn't that sound yummy! It sure does! And will be complete power and nutrition packed food for your body.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Liver Haemangioma and Noni Juice

Liver hemangioma is a noncancerous (benign) mass that occurs in the liver. A liver hemangioma is made up of a tangle of blood vessels. Liver hemangioma is sometimes called hepatic hemangioma or cavernous hemangioma.

Most cases of liver hemangioma are discovered during a test or procedure for some other condition. Most people who have a liver hemangioma never experience signs and symptoms and don't need treatment.
It may be unsettling to know you have a mass in your liver, even if it's a benign mass. There's no evidence that an untreated liver hemangioma can lead to liver cancer.

Pain in the upper right abdomen
Feeling full after eating only a small amount of food
Lack of appetite

Noni Juice has the inhibitory activity towards tumor progression tyrosines kinases receptors. Tyrosine kinases are enzymes that utilizes the amino acid tyrosine for protein synthesis. Many tyrosine kinases like Lck, Src, Lyn and EGF receptor drives tumor cells progression. Those help for tumor cells growth and progression. Many phytochemicals like damnacanthal, an Anthraquinone compound present in noni juice have a potent inhibitory activity towards tyrosine kinases such as Lck, Src, Lyn and EGF receptors.

Growth of solid tumor beyond 1-2mm in diameter requires the induction and maintenance of a new blood supply, a process known as angiogenesis is the physiological process involving the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing vessels. During its avascular stage a tumor is small enough to take in nutrients and to expel waste by diffusion. However diffusion is not sufficient to support any continued growth of the tumor. This is because the tumor consumes nutrients at a rate proportional to its volume whereas the supply of nutrients is delivered at a rate proportional to its surface area.

Noni Juice has antiangiogenesis effects on tumor cells. Many phytochemicals present in Noni Juice like Damnacanthal, Alizarin, and Limonene. Epigallocatechin gallate etc. exhibit antiangiogenesis effect on the tumor cells.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Role of Noni in Juvenile Angiofibroma

Juvenile Angiofibroma is a benign growth of the back of nost or upper throat. This tumor contains many blood vessels. Juvenile Angifibroma is relatively uncommon. It is typically discovered in adolescent boys and is associated with nasal congestion, a visible nasal mass, and nosebleeds. The tumor is locally invasive and capable of eroding bone.


Nasal Congestion, Difficulty breathing through the nose
Hearing loss
Prolonged bleeding, bruising easily

Role of Noni:

Noni is known for a number of health benefits for various diseases and complains. Noni contains all the major vitamins like A, B, C & E and other minerals. A number of major components have been identified in the noni plant such as scopoletin, octoanoic acid, Potassium, terpenoids, alkaloids, Anthraquinones, Sitosterol, carotene, Flavone glycosides, Alizarin, amino acids, acubin, caproic acid and a putative proxeronine,

Noni shows antiangiogenesis effects on the malignant cells. The tumor has the ability to develop its own blood vessels around its to get their nutrition for growth by the process of angiogenesis. Many phytochemicals present in Noni like Damnacanthal, Alizarin, Limonene, Epigallocatechin gallate etc. Just a few among the 150+ phytochemicals present in Noni, that exhibit Antiangiogenesis effect on the tumor cells. Thus inhibits the growth of tumor cells and induces program cell death or apoptosis.

Noni Juice in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic and ultimately deadly disease characterized by a progressive decay in lung function. The word pulmonary fibrosis means scarring of lung tissue and is the cause of worsening dyspnea (shortness of breath). Fibrosis is usually associated with a poor prognosis. The term 'idiopathic' is used because the cause of pulmonary fibrosis is still unknown.

IPF usually occurs in adult individuals of between 50 and 70 years of age, mainly those with a history of cigarette smoking, and affects more men than women.

IPF belongs to a large group of more than 200 lung diseases known as interstitial lung diseases (ILD), characterized by the involvement of lung interstitial. The interstitial, the tissue between the air sacs in the lung, is the primary site of injury in ILDs. However, these disorders frequently affect not only the interstitial, but also the airspaces, peripheral airways, and vessels. Lung tissue from people with IPF shows a characteristic histopathology pattern known as usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP). UIP is therefore the pathologic counterpart of IPF.

As the name implies, there is no known etiologic stimulus that initiates this disease. Recent eveidence, including the observation that the patient with IPF have higher level of oxidant stress , and a recent multicenter European study examining the effect of the antioxidants on the progression of IPF suggest that the cellular redox state may play a significant role in the progression of this disease. Current evidence suggests that both endogenous and exogenous stimuli may injure the alveolar epithelium. This is followed by an abnormal repair process in individual unable to effectively heal the damage. However, there are a number of studies suggesting that the cellular redox state and the balance of oxidant play a significant role in the progression of IPF in animal models and also possibly human IPF.

Noni contains all the essential minerals like zinc, selenium, magnesium, calcium, potassium etc. It contains 17 amino acids, besides that it contains 150+ phyto chemicals that act as effective antioxidant agents. Noni may help a lot in case of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.