Thursday 11 September 2014

The Wonderful Fruit Noni

Noni is a wonderful fruit from tropical areas such as the Pacific islands that has been used for years as a natural medicine or super food. The Polynesia natives use this plant called Morinda Citriifolia for a variety of uses from digestion, join support, low energy, and minor muscle aches following strenuous activities. In China they found the benefits of Morinda Citriifolia for thin and endocrine system support and maintaining emotional balance. Researchers found that Noni has extremely powerful cancer preventive compound named 2-methoxy- 1, 3, 6-trihydroxyanthraquinone. This anthraquinone provides a rare example of this chemical structural type in fruit tissue. The new anthraquinone was found to induce Quinone reductase at very low concentrations. This means that the newly discovered anthraquinone can stimulate Phase II enzyme systems that detoxify and eliminate cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens) before they can damage human DNA. At the same time, this induced enzyme can also help protect and regenerate antioxidants such as vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 in the body. So, not only can this anthraquinone detoxify chemicals, but it also helps preserve existing protective antioxidants in the body. shared a report on how Noni helps with joint pain. Dr. Ralph Heinicke first began to study the compounds in noni in the 1970`s at the University of Hawaii. There, he discovered a key phytonutrient found in noni called xeronine, which he patented in 1981. He found that this ingredient, as well as proxeronine - which makes up the building blocks of xeronine - played a key role in noni`s ability to assist in the management of pain.

Many testimonies have come from the use of Noni juice and how people have received benefits to relief pain in headaches, back aches, and joint aches from arthritis. It even helps with constipation. People have reported it enhances their mood; boost their energy and helps with digestion. You will hear people say they keep Noni juice stocked in their homes and take regularly. 

This wonderful super food that is a health drinks for body and highly recommended. To buy this wonderful Noni Juice visit Dave’s Noni Online.


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