Wednesday 17 September 2014

Drink Noni Juice Every day and Be Healthy

Noni Tree is basically originated from Southeast Asia about two thousand years ago. Since that time, the precious fruit of Noni has been utilized throughout the tropical island of the South Pacific and French Polynesia. Volcanic Islands are ideal to grow Noni Tree because of available tropical climate and the volcanic Soil.

Noni Juice derived from Noni Plant is used for hundreds of years as a natural healing medicine. Noni Juice is being used to clean the entire body system to fight against diseases. It also used to improve digestion, to reduce pain & stress.

Fruit of Noni contains natural minerals, enzymes, anti-oxidants and other vital vitamins. Not only that, there are 150+ nutraceuticals like anthraquinones, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and other necessary vitamins.  Noni Fruit is rich in Vitamin B, C and A.

Noni Juice manufactured by Dave’s Noni & Juice Pvt ltd is pure and verified by government health regulatory body. Dave’s Noni Juice is packed in pet bottle of 500ml and 1000ml.
Customers who are using Dave’s Noni have realized increase energy level, got relief from Stress and they feel fit & healthy.

Noni Juice is helpful to the following conditions:

Abdominal Pain
Digestion Problems
Urinary Tract Infections
Women Health problems
Swelling and inflammation

Noni Juice is effective in fighting against illness, but it is not a medicine. Research on Noni Fruit is still going so it is advised to consult your family doctor before taking any alternative treatment.

1 comment:

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