Tuesday 9 September 2014

Health Benefits of Noni Juice

Noni fruit is a fruit that found in the Hawaiian and Polynesian islands. This is a sacred fruit of Hawaii as it is known to provide many benefits for our health. The doctors of this island have utilized noni fruit for the treatment of joint pain, disorders in the digestion system etc. The fruit almost looks like a potato. This fruit is being used since the ancient times and is popular in these countries for its healing properties. After the noni fruit has ripened it is picked and noni juice is made out of it. This juice is very tasty if it is made from the ripe noni fruits.

There are a lot of benefits of noni juice that will cure your disease and give you a happy life. These benefits are not examined by the FDA but were studied independently by the doctors. Some noni benefits are as follows:

Immune system- a healthy immune system is vital for your good health. Our immunity system fights the harmful bacteria, viruses and other germs that enter human body. Noni Juice boosts the immunity system of our body and help to fight against these germs.

Digestion system- noni breaks the enzymes in such a way that they are absorbed by the body completely. The food we eat provides the energy and nutrition to our body. And only after the food is digested properly and completely, the nutrients are supplied to the body. Noni juice benefits by improving the digestion system of our body.

Mental health- when you drink noni, it will increase the serotonin levels of the brain. The increase in serotonin levels will boost the mood and mental health and sharpness of a person.

Cardiovascular and circulatory systems- noni has an ingredient scopolamine that helps in lowering 
the blood pressure. Drinking noni helps in the production of the nitric oxide in the human body. This helps in the relaxation and expansion of the blood vessels, arteries and heart.

Noni fruit is very rich in antioxidants and other kinds of nutrients. It is a low fat juice and even if you have not experienced any of the above written benefits, it is still known to be healthy. The ancient people claim this to be magic medicine.

It is suggested that in the beginning, you must start drinking 1oz of noni juice and then slowly get into the higher dose levels. But do this very slowly, as noni fruit is known to be not too tasty. You can also mix this juice with other juice and then drink it, if you do not like the taste of pure noni juice. Better still, you could also be a little creative and drink a noni drink. Doesn't that sound yummy! It sure does! And will be complete power and nutrition packed food for your body.

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