Wednesday 3 September 2014

Liver Haemangioma and Noni Juice

Liver hemangioma is a noncancerous (benign) mass that occurs in the liver. A liver hemangioma is made up of a tangle of blood vessels. Liver hemangioma is sometimes called hepatic hemangioma or cavernous hemangioma.

Most cases of liver hemangioma are discovered during a test or procedure for some other condition. Most people who have a liver hemangioma never experience signs and symptoms and don't need treatment.
It may be unsettling to know you have a mass in your liver, even if it's a benign mass. There's no evidence that an untreated liver hemangioma can lead to liver cancer.

Pain in the upper right abdomen
Feeling full after eating only a small amount of food
Lack of appetite

Noni Juice has the inhibitory activity towards tumor progression tyrosines kinases receptors. Tyrosine kinases are enzymes that utilizes the amino acid tyrosine for protein synthesis. Many tyrosine kinases like Lck, Src, Lyn and EGF receptor drives tumor cells progression. Those help for tumor cells growth and progression. Many phytochemicals like damnacanthal, an Anthraquinone compound present in noni juice have a potent inhibitory activity towards tyrosine kinases such as Lck, Src, Lyn and EGF receptors.

Growth of solid tumor beyond 1-2mm in diameter requires the induction and maintenance of a new blood supply, a process known as angiogenesis is the physiological process involving the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing vessels. During its avascular stage a tumor is small enough to take in nutrients and to expel waste by diffusion. However diffusion is not sufficient to support any continued growth of the tumor. This is because the tumor consumes nutrients at a rate proportional to its volume whereas the supply of nutrients is delivered at a rate proportional to its surface area.

Noni Juice has antiangiogenesis effects on tumor cells. Many phytochemicals present in Noni Juice like Damnacanthal, Alizarin, and Limonene. Epigallocatechin gallate etc. exhibit antiangiogenesis effect on the tumor cells.

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