Friday 14 November 2014

Benefits of Drinking Noni Juice

Noni Juice is extracted from the fruit of Morinda Citrifolia Tree which is mostly found in Southeast Asia, Australasia, the Caribbean and India. There are lots of claims made of Noni Juice that it can help to reduce risk of cancer, lower cholesterol, increase immunity and also help in reducing weight.
There are so many researches being conducted on Noni Fruit to find out it benefits. But the personal experience is the best one to consider as it gives the perfect idea about the noni. And I was glad to learn from my aunt about her experience using noni juice. My aunt started drinking noni juice for its benefits, and she didn't know that one of the noni health benefits would be weight loss. This was an added benefit of noni juice, because her main goal was to drink noni juice to improve her immune system.

Benefits of Noni Juice – Weight Loss

After using Noni Juice, I can say my aunt lost a lot of weight drinking noni juice. I also would love to start taking Noni Juice not only for losing weight but also for strengthening my health. I wish to lose weight in a healthy way, and it appears that the benefits of drinking noni juice can help with that.
Nitric Oxide Fuels Noni Benefits

Noni Juice produces Nitric Oxide in body after consuming and this causes weight loss. Nitric oxide pulls energy from different sources for muscles to use, and one of the sources is from fat cells in the body. This reduces triglycerides (energy) stored in fat cells, which reduces the weight of the fat cells. Drinking noni juice increases the amount of nitric acid in the body, which increases the amount of triglycerides that are removed from fat cells resulting in weight loss.

When my aunt started drinking noni juice she was wasn’t paying attention to her weight loss, because that wasn’t one of the benefits of noni juice she was looking for when she began drinking noni juice. She did pay attention to was her increased energy and good mood though. But some family members were paying attention to her weight loss, and some thought something might be wrong with her. The idea that something was wrong was the furthest thing from my aunt’s mind though because she felt great.

The whispers of concern, the whispers of cancer started to circulate, but my aunt wasn’t concerned. She told me she tried to assure family members that nothing could be wrong because drinking noni juice made her feel wonderfully energetic, and if she had cancer there was no way she could feel that way. To appease family members she did get checked for cancer and she received a clean bill of health.

Benefits Of Noni Juice

There are numerous claims about the benefits of Noni Juice. I was not familiar with noni juice and I am learning about its benefits. People claim that noni juice can cure cancer, reduce cholesterol, cause weight loss, increase energy, reduce fevers, cure ulcers, and more. There hasn’t been enough scientific research done to support these claims. I now have firsthand experience with my aunt and other family members who have achieved weight loss and super increased energy drinking noni juice.

Taking Noni Juice

Noni juice doesn't smell good at all and you probably won’t be able to drink it like your favorite juice. Pure noni juice smells and tastes bad. My aunt is a trooper because she drank it straight, without a chaser. Noni juice bought in store is mixed with grape juice and other juices to make it taste and smell good, but they are less effective than pure noni juice. The reason is you will be drinking less noni juice per serving when drinking the mixed bottled noni juice. One tablespoon of pure noni juice will give you more noni juice than one tablespoon of mixed noni juice, and one bottle of pure noni juice will give you more noni juice than one bottle of mixed noni juice.

The dosage listed below is 1 tablespoon, and my aunt drank 3 ounces at a time some times. Since she was able to drink so much, I guess a person will probably just get used to it. Either that or the good feeling gained from drinking noni juice outweighed the bad smell and taste.

Noni juice should be prepared by putting a bunch of ripe noni fruit into a container and covering it. That’s it. It needs to sit and the juice will start dripping from the fruit. What she does now is to pour off a little of the juice daily, instead of letting all the juice drip from the noni fruits, which some people do and which takes time.

Dosage required for taking pure noni juice:

1 tablespoon every other day for 6 weeks, then
1 tablespoon per week for 6 months, then
1 tablespoon once per month
1/2 hour before a meal or 1 hour after a meal
Note: It takes around 3 weeks to start seeing results



  1. Noni Juice is a very popular health drink. The popularity of this amazingly healthy juice is literally growing by the minute as more and more people are sitting up and taking notice of the same. Thank you for writing about the health Benefits of Noni Juice.

  2. Thanks Mr. Mantis “NONI” IS A WELLNESS DRINK.
