Thursday 6 November 2014

What is AIDS

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a condition that weakens the body’s immune system, leaving it unable to fight off illness. It is the last stage in progression of disease resulting from viral infection known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

The Immune system is a network of cells, organs and proteins that work together to defend and protect body from potentially harmful, infectious microorganisms, like bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Now this HIV virus causes a disorder in this immune system resulting in missing of one or more of its components from the immune system. AIDS is and immune deficiency disorder.

Symptoms of HIV Infection and AIDS

Some people infected with HIV are asymptomatic while others develop symptoms of HIV from 2-15 years after initial infection. And the symptoms are as follows.

1.       Extreme Fatigue. (Weakness)
2.       Rapid weight loss. (More than 10 kg in two months for no reason)
3.       Appearance of swollen or tender glands in the neck, armpit or groin. (for no apparent reason)
4.       Unexplained shortness of breath for more than 4 weeks.
5.       Frequent Dry cough ( not due to allergies or smoking)
6.       Persistent diarrhaea.
7.       Intermittent high fever or soaking.
8.       Night sweats of unknown origin.
9.       A mark change in illness pattern either in frequency, severity or length of sickness.
1.   Appearance of one or more purple spots in surface of skin, inside the mouth, anus or nasal passage.
1.   Whitish coating on tongue, throat or vagina
1.   Forgetfulness, confusion and other signs of mental deterioration.
It takes 1 to 15 years to go from being infected with HIV to “full-blown” AIDS.


Noni is an effective Natural Nutritional supplement to prevent AIDS.

At the molecular level, AIDS is caused by the accumulation of free radicals, especially oxidizing agents, in all systems, organs, and tissues, but principally within the cells and chemical reactions of the immune system. As a consequence, the clinical manifestation of AIDS-opportunistic infections, tumors, and metabolic disturbances and conditions- as well as the severity of the illness are directly proportional to the levels of free radicals, especially oxidizing agents in tissues of AIDS patient.

Noni as powerful antioxidants 

1.       It has a rich compliment of vitamins and minerals; including A,B vitamins (including the rare B-12), C,E, Iron, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Zinc and several trace minerals.
2.       It also has 17 out of 20 amino acids including all the essential amino acids. Terpenes, fungicides, adaptogens, glycosides, polysaccharides and other unique ingredients that even in small quantity have significant psychological effects.

Many of the ingredients of the Noni are in varying amounts in other foods or herbs. There seems to be no food or herb with either rich list of substances or high amount of key substances all put together in one super food. Noni aids the body’s natural healing abilities. Noni works as a Healthy, Immune System Promoter for AIDS patients. Current studies revealed that Noni helps promoting a healthy immune system active. Keep in mind that our body is an excellent self-healing machine. And what fuels it? Nutrition. And Noni is a supplement for it.

Pharmaceuticals drugs are available for the past 100 years. For the rest history the human body has survived a natural food alone. The fact is that our body, when supplied with the correct nutrition, ratrely breakdowns.

It contains anthraquinones, which fights inflammation, bacteria, parasites and tumors. A few of these compounds are also considered analgesic. Glycosides or glucosides are glucose, xylose, fructose, or any other sugar, also valuable is heart treatments are found in abundance in plant kingdom.

Noni juice is an important source of (beta-) sitosterols, stigmasterol and campesterol the three most nutritionally important phytosterols. These phytosterols alleviate the problem associated with high level of “bad” cholesterol.

Scopoletin belongs to a group of compounds called coumarins, which care for the lever, inhibit growth of E. coli in the gut.

Xeronine is a small alkaloid that is required in a very very less quantity but is essential to correct functioning of body, and in large amount are used in times of physical and mental stress.
Many important fatty acids found in Noni are important to the overall complex metabolic process of the body.

Noni promotes the cellular growth, Dr. Ralph Heinicke, Ph.d, pinpointed the constituents in Noni that he believes are responsible for the juice’s ability to promote cellular growth.


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