Friday 14 November 2014

Noni Juice Help to Reduce Hair Fall

Hair Loss is common problem for most of the people. Average 100 hairs are lost from head every day. Both men and women tend to loss hair as they age. About 25% of men begin to bald by the time they are 30 years old, and about two-third are either bald or have a balding pattern by age of 60.

Baldness is not usually caused by a disease, but is related to aging and hormonal changes.  Following are some factors which caused hair loss:

Hormonal Changes
A Serious Illness
Medication such as Cancer Chemotherapy
Excessive Shampooing

Role of Noni in reducing Hair Fall

Noni contains 17 amino acids out of total 20 including all essential amino acids. The amino acid L-Lysine inhibits 5-alpha-reductase and help in androgenetic alopecia. Hair follicles use nitric oxide to maintain and promote new hair growth. L-arginine is required to produce nitric oxide.

Noni stimulates the production of nitric oxide in human body. Nitric Oxide maintains and promotes new hair growth.

Noni blocks 5-alpha-reductase, reduces DHT uptake by follicles and block binding of DHT to androgen receptors.

Noni contains epigallocatechin gallate. It affects type I 5-alpha-reductase activity responsible for converting testosterone to DHT. Thus Noni helps to prevent conversion of testosterone to DHT and thus prevents the androgenic alopecia

Noni contains abundant quantity of flavonoids. Some flavonoids prevent in Noni directly stimulate epithelial cell growth and check the growth-inhibiting effect caused by TGF-beta2.

Recommended Dosage:

5ml Morning and 5ml Evening for 3 days, then
10ml Morning and 10ml Evening for next 3 days, then

15ml morning and 15ml evening for next 8 months


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