Monday 3 November 2014

What is Diabetes

Diabetes or Diabetes mellitus (DM) is not a disease itself but a phase in which body does not produce insulin or does not uses the insulin properly, produced by body. 

There are two types of Diabetes 

1.       Type I DM : In this case the body doesn’t produces enough insulin or no insulin atall, also known as  "juvenile diabetes" or  "insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus" (IDDM)
2.       Type II DM: In this case, which is most common, either body doesn’t produce enough insulin or insulin is unable to adequately enter the body’s cells to break down sugar into energy.

Symptoms of disease:
1.       Weight Loss.
2.       Frequent Urination.
3.       Increased Hunger.
4.       Blurry Vision.
5.       Headache.
6.       Fatigue.
7.       Slow Healing Of Cuts, Itchy Skin, and Skin Rashes.
8.       Nausea, Vomiting.
9.       Abdominal Pain.
10.    The Smell of Acetone on the Breath.

How NONI Helps
Diabetes can’t be cured but Noni has the ability to strengthen the immune system by enhancing an already functioning system or by stimulating a lethargic one and helps our body to maintain strong insulin level  and keeps our blood sugar level in as much possible in normal. This helps Type I and Type II diabetic patient to get relief and significantly reduces diabetes long term complications.
The presence of triterpenes & Saponins in noni may be the cause of increasing its immune system and antioxidant property.


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