Monday 3 November 2014

Noni Helps In Pain

What is Pain?
Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.

Different Types Of pain

Acute Pain: Acute pain is a short duration pain which lasts for 3 to 6 months and is directly related to soft tissue damage. This is very common type of pain

Chronic Pain: Chronic pain is comparatively lasts longer than 3-6 months. With chronic pain, signals of pain remain active in the nervous system for months or even years. This can take both a physical and emotional toll on a person.

Neuropathic Pain: It is a complex chronic pain, in this type of pain there is no tissue damage but our brain still keeps sending pain messages.

Pain, redness, heat and swelling, which are markers of inflammation, follow the release of prostaglandins. Aspirin and similar non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSIDS) reduce prostaglandins by blocking an enzyme which helps to produce them, called cyclooxygenase (COX).

There are two types of COX enzyme in the body, one is COX-I and other one is COX-II, now the good enzyme COX-I is easily identifiable and important in regulating cell function. It is essential for blood clotting and protecting stomach lining and kidneys. Whereas the bad enzyme COX-II is not detected and is usually responsible for pain and inflammation.

How Noni Helps in Pain

1.       Noni is a selective COX-II inhibitor
2.       While doing so it doesn’t cause any side effect.
Noni contains Scopoletin in it, this scopoletin is is needed for smooth joint movement and it also has an anti inflammatory effect, this way it helps person to deal with pain in a better way.


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