Friday 8 August 2014

Dave’s Noni is Beneficial in Muscular Dystrophy

Maternal and fetal malnutrition is a fundamental cause of muscular dystrophy. It is very difficult to know for sure if a birth defect is the result of genetics or environmental factors. The Mother represents half of a developing baby’s environment. Every single cell in a baby is the product of inherited DNA instruction. But every single cell in a baby is also the product of the mother’s diet. Ova (Human Eggs) are formed during the fetal stage of a female’s life. In other words, all of a woman’s own eggs are actually formed while she was developing inside her mother, before her herself was born. This means that what your grandmother are significantly contributed to your anatomy. What looks to be purely a genetic problem may in fact be a largely a nutritional one.

Muscular Dystrophy may constitute a good example of a genetotrophic disease. Rather than a nutrient deficiency, MD may more exactly be considered to be a genetically influenced nutrient dependency.

Noni is a natural nutritional supplement, a cellular nutrition. Noni in regards to MD may help as it contains all the vitamins in natural form, all the trace minerals, 17 amino acids and besides that 150+ phytonutrients. SO the synergistic action of all those ingredients present in Noni help in many ways in various disease and Muscular Dystrophy is one among them.

1 comment:

  1. Take Dave's Noni regular Try and get different result
