Tuesday 12 August 2014

Role of Noni in Optic Nerve Atrophy

Optic nerve atrophy involves tissue death of the nerve that carries the information of vision from the eye to the brain.

There are many unrelated causes of optic atrophy. The most common cause is poor blood flow, called ischemic optic neuropathy, which most often affects the elderly. The optic nerve can also be damaged by shock, various toxic substances, radiation, and trauma.

Optic nerve atrophy causes dimming of vision and reduction of the field of vision. The ability to see fine detail will also be lost. The pupil reaction to light will diminish and may eventually be completely lost.

How Noni is helpful?

Noni has been reported to have a broad range of health benefits for various diseases and complains. Noni contains all the vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C & E. There are number of major components have been identified in Noni fruit like alkaloids, anthraquinones, carotene, Amino acids, Linoleic Acid and other nutrients.

The natural integrity of Noni is only reason of its effectiveness. 

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