Wednesday 27 August 2014

How Noni Helps to Prevent Heart Attack

Heart Attack is the number one cause of death not only in India but also in the other countries. Our lifestyle, physical inactivity, stress full mental conditions are the predisposing factors of various cardiac problems and heart attacks. The high level of cholesterol in our blood is one of the causes of many cardiac problem and the heart attacks. The oily fatty food, ghee, fried foods has become a habit in our daily routine diet.

There are two types of cholesterol 1) HDL, 2) LDL. Among this HDL cholesterol is good for our body. But LDL cholesterol is bad one and this is the one which is the root cause of coronary artery diseases, angina pain, and atherosclerosis of artery. But LDL cholesterol is not really bad in its native form. Problem begins when native LDL cholesterols are oxidized by the free radicals in our body and make them the harmful cholesterol.

Noni Juice has the powerful antioxidant properties that help to neutralize the free radicals role of oxidation of the native LDL cholesterol to harmful LDL cholesterol and thus protects the arterial endothelial lining from injury and future developing athermanous plaque. The main antioxidants are vitamins A, E and C, beta-carotene, glutathione, bioflavonoid, selenium and various phyto-chemicals. And it helps to stimulate more melatonin release from the pineal gland.

1 comment:

  1. Heart natural supplements and some essential lifestyle changes provide promise for individuals in the protection against heart disease as well as Heart Attack, but for the support from the heart as well as cardiovascular system for those who have heart disease and have had a cardiac arrest. Essential fatty acid dietary supplements along with appropriate nutrition plus some lifestyle changes might reduce the risk of heart disease - therefore says the actual FDA carrying out a recent request from a quantity of healthy businesses. Heart disease as well as heart attacks would be the result of numerous problems as well as understanding the leads to make you in a better position to put a few prevention methods in place.
