Friday 22 August 2014

Role of Noni Juice in Juvenile Angiofibroma

What is Juvenile Angiofibroma?

Juvenile Angiofibroma is a rare benign but locally aggressive vascular tumor. It is typically discovered in adolescent boys and is associated with nasal congestion, a visible nasal mass, and nosebleeds. The tumor is locally invasive and capable of eroding bone.

Role of Noni:

Noni has been reported to have a broad range of health benefits for various diseases and complains. Noni contains all major components like Vitamin A, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C & E. It also has more than 150 minerals and nutrients.

Noni exhibits ant angiogenesis effects on the malignant cell. The tumor has the ability to develop its own blood vessels around its to get their nutrition for growth by the process of angiogenesis. Many phytochemicals presents in Noni like Damnacanthal, Alizarin, Limonene, and Epigallocatechingallate etc. just a few among the 150+ phytochemicals present in Noni that exhibit ant angiogenesis effect on the tumor cells. Thus inhibits the growth of tumor cells and induces program of tumor cells and induces program cell death or apoptosis.

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