Monday 4 August 2014

Role of Noni Juice in Hepatitis

Every cell in the body is like a house with doors and windows. When you have to drive a car into a garage you need to open the large door. The same goes on in our body if we have to absorb a larger protein molecule; we need to open a larger pore if we are to use it. Our cells are made up of micro particles such as neutrons, protons, cytoplasm, and Golgi bodies etc. which are genetically engineered to work well in a chemical-free environment.

But, because we live in a chemically polluted environment, many types of toxins and pollutants are going into our body. They by wrapping the cells day by day forms multiple layers around the cell walls, thus lead to the closure of shrinking of cell walls. Consequently, the inter cellular communication is prevented, the cells are damaged and they forget their purposes, they neither do their regular functions correctly nor efficiently. Noni, being the powerful De-toxifier removes the toxic layers on the cell walls and it enlarges the pores of the cell walls. This enlargement allows for larger chains of peptides (Amino Acids or Proteins) to be admitted into the cell and to feed us better.

If the chains are not used they become waste and this precious source of energy is lost by going to fat or being eliminated. But because of Noni’s detoxification process, the cells resume their communications are reminded of their purposes and they are rejuvenated with greater strength and life. Now the cells are able to assimilate the nutrients and medicines easily. They are strengthened and healed at their roots. This is the basis of NONI’s cellular activity that causes the enhancement of efficacy of the medicine. Noni is not a medicine, but a natural nutritional supplement.

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