Friday 29 August 2014

Noni Can Cure Gingivitis & Other Oral Problems

Gingivitis is the most common dental disease. It is characterized by inflammation and bleeding of the gums. It is not so much painful until severe irritation or receding gums occur. Chronic gingivitis leads to receding gums and can cause permanent damage to teeth. Gingivitis is a common cause of gum disease and a form of periodontitis.

Signs and symptoms of Gingivitis

Swollen gums
Bright red or purple gums
Gums that is tender or painful to the touch
Bleeding gums or bleeding after brushing and/or flossing
Bad breath (halitosis)

How Noni Helps to Cure Gingivitis:

Noni is a vital nutrient needed by every cell in the body to make energy, is beneficial for a variety of diseases and disorders, including periodontal disease. Noni plays an important role as an antioxidant at the cellular level by neutralizing free radicals. Noni helps reverse gum disease naturally.

Noni contains folic acid and all vitamins in natural form. Folic Acid has been clinically tested in mouthwash solutions to assess its benefit in treating gingivitis. Hence mouth wash with noni may help in gingivitis.

Noni is rich with the antioxidant EGCG that fight with oral plaque and bacteria. Noni works as anti-plaque agent by conquering glucosyl transferase, which oral bacteria use to feed on sugar. Noni can kill oral bacteria and inhibit collagenase activity.

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