Monday 25 August 2014

Role of Noni in Hemochromatosis

Hemochromatosis occurs when too much iron accumulates in the body. Although iron is essential for life, excessive iron can be very dangerous because iron is easily oxidized. Iron reacts easily with organic molecules to create highly reactive oxygen species that contribute to high levels of oxidative stress in the body. The result can be free radical damage to the liver, pancreas, heart, joints and skin.

The following conditions and circumstances can also cause iron overload:

Iron overload anemia, such as thalassemia major
Chronic Liver disease, including hepatitis and alcoholic liver disease
Excess supplemental iron

The most common complications of hemochromatosis are cirrhosis and liver cancer.

How Noni helps:

Noni is an effective antioxidant as it contains all the vitamins & minerals and 150+ phytochemicals. Noni also help to synthesize more antioxidant enzymes in our body.

Patient with hereditary hemochromatosis have decreased antioxidant levels and increased lipid peroxidation. Supplementation with vitamins E and A may be beneficial. Noni contain rich amount of both this vitamins.

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