Wednesday 20 August 2014

How Noni Helps to Reduce Fatigue and Weakness

Weakness and fatigue are often considered to be similar, but in medicine they have distinct and separate meanings. Weakness refers to lack of strength. Weakness is usually the more serious condition and is particularly important when it is confirmed to one often of the body. Such weakness in one area is often due to a problem in the muscular or nervous system, such as stroke.

Fatigue is lack of energy. It is tiredness or lethargy. Fatigue is typically associated with a viral infection or with feelings of anxiety, depression, or tension. It’s caused by illness. Chronic fatigue is common; about one in every four adult visiting doctor say it is one of their problem.

Causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Viral Infection
Immune Response to Infection
Infection and Inflammation
Chemical Sensitivity

How Noni helps:

Multiple nutrients deficiency is one major cause of weakness and chronic fatigue syndrome. The diets we are taking daily are deprived of many essential nutrients. That put effects on our both physical and mental aspects. Noni is a natural fruit. It contains all vitamins like vitamin A, C, E, B and all trace minerals, 17 amino acids, besides that it contains 150 above essential phyto chemicals that we don’t get on our daily food. It also contains carbohydrates, proteins, all essential fatty acids.

Noni is a natural product, so it helps to provide all the essential nutrients to our body and relieves the weakness syndrome.

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