Tuesday 19 August 2014

How Dave’s Noni helps in Sinus Infection?

Sinusitis is an inflammation, or swelling, of the tissue lining the sinuses. Normally, sinuses are filled with air, but when sinuses become blocked and filled with fluid, germs like bacteria, viruses, and fungi can grow and cause an infection.

People who have the following conditions have a higher risk of sinusitis:

Nasal mucous membrane swelling as from a common cold
Blockage of drainage ducts
Structural differences that narrow the drainage ducts
Nasal polyps
Conditions that result in an increased risk of infection such as immune deficiencies or taking medications that suppress the immune system.

How Noni is effective in Sinus Infection:

The immune power plays a greater role in every chronic disease. The recurrent attack of sinus infection is also having the root level cause of week immunity. Dave’s Noni works as a health, Immune system booster. Hence by activating the immune system it ceases the frequent attack of sinusitis. It also helps in allergies, so that the person does not get repeated attack of sinusitis.

Dave’s Noni contains 17 amino acids and more than 150+ micro nutrients and other vitamins like Vitamin A, E and Vitamin B Complex. Therefor it is effective in any disease.

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