Monday 18 August 2014

Role of Dave’s Noni in Poliomyelitis

What is Poliomyelitis?

Poliomyelitis is a disorder caused by a viral infection (poliovirus) that can affect the whole body, including muscles and nerves. Severe cases may cause permanent paralysis or death. There are three basic pattern of polio infection, subclinical infection, non-paralytic and paralytic. Approximately 95% of these are subclinical infections, which may go unnoticed. Clinical poliomyelitis affects the central nervous system and is divided into non-paralytic and paralytic forms. It may occur after recovery from a subclinical infection.

Role of Dave’s Noni in Poliomyelitis:

Dave’s Noni helps to reduce muscular pain in case of poliomyelitis Pain and inflammation, follow the release of prostaglandins. Aspirin and similar non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs reduce prostaglandins by blocking an enzyme which helps to produce them, called cyclooxygenase (COX).

Studies in mice have shown that extracts from the root of Noni have some pain relieving and sedative activity. Noni works as a healthy, immune system promoter current study have revealed that Noni helps prompting a healthy immune system by either improving an already functioning system or by stimulating a sluggish one. Dave’s Noni is the wellness drink that keeps your immune system active.

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