Saturday 9 August 2014

Noni Helps to Prevent Memory Loss in Old Age

When you are in 20’s, you begin to lose brain cells a few at a time. Your body also starts to make less of the chemicals your brain cells need to work. The older you are, the more these changes can affect your memory.
Aging may affect memory by changing the way the brain stores information and by making it harder to recall stored information. Your short-term and remote memories aren’t usually affected by aging. But your recent memory may be affected. For example, may forget names of people you’ve met recently. These are normal changes.

Many things other than aging can cause memory problems. These include depression, dementia, side effects of drugs, strokes, head injury and alcoholism.

Alzheimer’s disease starts by changing the recent memory. At first, a person with Alzheimer’s disease will remember even small details of his or her distant pat but not be able to remember recent events or conversations. Over time, the disease affects all parts of the memory.

Role of Noni in Memory Loss

High dietary intake of fats and cholesterol is one of the causes of dementia.  The Plant sterols are called Phytosterols. Noni contain the phytosterols that slows down the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and lowers total plasma and LDL cholesterol levels. Noni juice is an important source of sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol – the three most nutritionally important phytosterols. So Noni helps in reducing serum cholesterols level and fats and thus helps in reducing the cause of dementia.

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